Wednesday, April 9, 2014


So yesterday I posted a photo of myself in my training gear getting ready for my Camino. So today I thought I'd give a bit of the details about how my trip has come about. 

In 1978 I first saw a documentary on PBS showing about the Camino. I was hooked!  I have wanted to make this pilgrimage ever since. Whenever I had the money I didn't have the time, and whenever I had the time I didn't have the money. When I joined the monastery I figured it just wasn't going to happen, and I was cool with that. 

A few years ago when my grandfather was dying and I was home helping to take care of home the same documentary came on the TV one afternoon. While Pop and I were watching it I mentioned to him that I had always wanted to make the pilgrimage. He said he would leave me the money to do it. Since that time I still haven't had the time, with trying to find a new home for the monastery, the big move from California and getting settled in here in Wisconsin. 

This July I turn 50. I figured I'm not getting any younger so now is probably a good time to get started. With the blessing of Abbot Nicholas I decided to walk this coming September. My Mom helped out with the plane ticket and with most of the equipment I needed for my big trek. 

So on the 31st of August I fly to Paris where I'll spend a few days with Mom, we will also visit Lourdes for a few days. I'll then put Mom on a plane back to the US and on September 8th I'll start walking God willing!

For those of you who are interested in following along with my travels I have opened a blog  I haven't posted anything yet, but hope to start soon. 

Anyone with prayer intentions they would like me to carry for them please let me know!